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Stone Refinishing 101: Understanding the Basics

May 16, 2024

Stone lasts forever, but unfortunately the look of finished stone doesn’t. Whether it’s a marble floor, granite countertop, or any other stone surface in your home, it needs looking after to retain its luster. Luckily, stone can endure refinishing again and again, giving it that like-new look every time and helping it last longer. If you’re unfamiliar with the process, here’s a course in stone refinishing 101 to help you understand the basics. Read on to get the gist before you do it yourself or hire a professional.

What Is It?

Most rocks are millions of years old, and if they’re neglected in your home, they’ll start to show their age. Through everyday use, stone surfaces can become pitted, chipped, and worn. They can acquire stains and etchings from acidic substances in food and drink. Inevitably, they’ll lose their shine, displaying a dull and lifeless look. Refinishing brings the rocks back to life, so to speak, through certain processes: grinding, cleaning, honing, polishing, and sealing. A professional refinisher can have your stone surfaces gleaming in no time! Here’s how:

All Part of the Process

Stone refinishing can involve one or more of the following processes, which refinishers perform by hand or with different tools. Naturally, various types of stone require different processes and implements.


This step is just what it sounds like. The surface must be clean before any other processes. Refinishers will remove accumulated dirt, grime, and stains as well as possible. This step can also include removing sealers that were applied to the surface years before but have since lost their coverage and hold. A clean surface is necessary for the other processes to work.


What’s the hardest substance in the world? Diamond. Ground diamond offers the most effective abrasion for resurfacing or “sanding” stone surfaces. Resurfacing exfoliates stone, removing a thin layer to render the material raw and make it easier to apply a honed or polished finish. Resurfacing offers a fresh start for the surface by removing defects. Scratches, acidic etches from spills or the wrong kind of cleaning products, accidental damage, and worn-out high-traffic areas can all be treated and improved by resurfacing.


Polishing brings out the stone’s inner beauty, or more precisely, its natural shine. Polishing agents include diamond dust, sandpaper, and other powders and pads. Through tools and elbow grease, the surface gets a gorgeous luster.


Honing uses powders and pads to bring a natural matte finish to the stone. As a side note, matte finishes are currently quite popular and fashionable with natural stone owners.


Once you get the shine you want, it’s time to lock it in with a sealant. Sealants not only protect that shine but also shield stone against future spills and physical damage from blunt force. Sealants make future maintenance easier, as well, only requiring a swipe with a damp cloth to keep it looking lovely.

Congratulations, you’ve just finished a course in stone refinishing 101: understanding the basics! If you need further information on stone refinishing, please contact us for more information.

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